Architect D.E HMONP
ENSA Toulouse graduated
Architect since 2008
The plurality and complementarity of the group stimulates production, and constantly re-questions the architectural posture. Architecture is built in exchange, in the dialogue it generates and the positions it crystallizes. Not only within the group itself, but also in the relationship with the various project stakeholders. Architecture brings together and also serves as a pretext for the pleasure of sharing all together the same dreamlike universe. Collective emulation and energy tend to push the limits of reality. The group thus finds its balance between imaginary and concrete: constraints become strengths.
The office is committed to give ambition to the different territories and remains convinced that each of the projects deserves the quality of a fair, contextualized and timeless architecture.
2020 • Trophées Eiffel Construire Acier 1st price in «Working place» for BT06 project in Bègles
2019 • 40 under 40 European Architecture and Design Award The office stand in the list of the 40 european architects most influent under the age of 40
2019 • PRAd'A Palmarès Régional d'Architecture en Nouvelle Aquitaine Selected in “M” category for Home Factory project in Bègles
2017 • Pyramides d'Argent 1st price in the "First built project" for Instant B in Bègles
2016 • Pyramides d'Argent Jury special price for Lafayette project in Bordeaux
AMC Magazine • Hors séries 2020 Année d'architecture en France
TEMA Archi • Superposition BT06 à Bègles
Le Moniteur • Trophée Eiffel, l'acier sous toutes ses coutures
Revue MATIERES n°8 • Evènement 6ème Trophée Eiffel
Faye Architectes + Associés
BT6 - 10, allée Jean Dubuffet 33130 Bègles
+33 6 32 50 77 81
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Job and Internship
CV + Portefolio (5Mo max)
Architect D.E HMONP
ENSA Toulouse graduated
Architect since 2008
Architect D.E HMONP
ENSA Toulouse graduated
Architect since 2008
ENSAP Bordeaux graduated
Architect since 1983
Architect D.E HMONP • Urban Planner
ENSA Nantes graduated
Project manager
Architect since 2008
Architect D.E HMONP
ENSAP Bordeaux graduated
Project manager
Architect since 2015
Architect D.E HMONP
ENSAP Bordeaux graduated
Project manager
Architect since 2015
Architect D.E HMONP
ENSAP Bordeaux graduated
Architect since 2018
Architect D.E
ENSA Clermont-Ferrand graduated
Architect since 2020
Architect D.E HMONP
ENSA Nancy graduated
Architect since 2021
Designer and model maker
Construction site manager
Architect D.E
ENSA PVS graduated
Architect since 2010
Administrative and financial manager
Administrative assistant
Administrative assistant